Recruiting: Scheme Changes
At times along with the changes of coaches comes a change in scheme and concept. New coaches may come in with a specific idea of how the offense or defense should be ran. A coach may want to switch from a pro-style to a air raid offense. Or they may decide to run a spread offense instead of focusing on power runs. Either way, when changes are made to schemes and philosophies recruiting needs change.
The same running back you would recruit for a power running team may not be the same running back you recruit for an air raid offense. The coaches have a mental map of what type of player they are looking for as a member of the team.
Also with a change of scheme, the number of players needed at a certain position may change. The perceived needs of the team may vary depending on the opinion of the coach. Therefore, if the previous coaches thought they needed three wide receiver recruits, the new coach may believe they only need two.
This revelation may cause a team to pull back on the recruitment of a player. Again, the coaches recruit players they believe can successful in their scheme and if they feel a player no longer fits that definition then they may lose interest.