No.4 Matt Luke, Ole Miss
Yes, even with a 6-6 record Matt Luke is in this spot. While some may want to argue apples and oranges about this ranking take time to consider what he has done. He took over a team with a world of issues going on all at once and had a .500 6-6 season as an interim. He did it with the best offense in the SEC and virtually no defense. However, the defense did improve around the middle of the season and was key in the win over Miss State.
All that led Matt Luke to become head coach. Since that time he has snagged a great 2018 recruiting class considering what he was facing. Having the opportunity to get some good young talent on both sides of the ball will bolster Ole Miss in 2018. When you factor in the fast-paced Phil Longo offense and the weapons at Ole Miss has you have to believe Luke will collect more than 6 wins this season. This is why he is sitting at No.4.